Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Booger Incident

So this guy in my class likes to pick his nose in front of people.

And most everyone is really grossed out by that. So this guy in my class walked up to my friend, showed her his booger, and said, "Does this look like flesh to you? My skin might be peeling." Which is totally disgusting. So I told Ha-nul Kim and he told someone else and then it got around the whole classroom and also to another class in around five minutes.

I never knew that rumors could be spread so fast. So it's just really, really disgusting that this guy would do that and so here's some advice to the people who pick their nose out there. Don't ask people if that's flesh or if your skin is peeling. Because that is by the way totally disgusting. Totally.

That's what I wanted to say about the booger incident on Friday.

Cease the Battle of the Blogs

Last Friday, I told Ha-nul Kim that I wanted to stop the Battle of the Blogs and how we fight a lot and I'm tired of putting up a fight.

Now the battle of the blogs is finally over and I'm really relieved. If you're reading this, Ha-nul Kim, then I'm just saying I'm really sorry for making all this commotion between us because of the starting of the year, we were really good friends. We laughed a lot and made jokes. And then something happened and it just stopped.

I think that your blog is really funny and I just think that you do a good job on your blog and remember, I got the idea of blogging from you. And now I love it. And so does my Sock Monkey.

The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth

Dear Ha-nul Kim:

I am writing this on my blog because I'm really telling the truth, the whoel truth and nothing but the truth when I say I'm trying to be a nice person to you and for some reason, you're just not letting me. It's the whole truth and nothing but the truth when I say I'm not playing a joke and I'm really trying to be nice to you. And I'm sorry that I've done anything that's insulting to you. I'm really sorry and I want to start over.

Don't you remember the great times we had in Kindergarten? I just want you to think about it.


Canadian Sock Monkey