Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Warning Twilight content: if you on Edwards team keep reading, if you're on team Jacob than boy are you not going to like this.

I bet you already know, I'm team Edward. So I was at school today, asking about 119 people what team they were on. Here's what I got, 85 people were on team Edward, and 39 people were on team Jacob. Here's some reasons you need to be team Edward. One, who got Bella? Edward. Who's better looking, in some words hot? Edward. And vampires are way better. Duh!

Think about it. How do I know all this? I've read 3 of the books. I love, love, love the books. Stehenie Meyer is a great author.

Signing off - the new biggest fan of Twilight,

Canadian Sock Monkey


  1. Jacob Rules! How can you be on team Edward?!

  2. captain underpantsMay 13, 2010 at 5:51 PM

    anonymous is right. jacob rules, edward drools.

  3. Hey Mayo - Jacob is the underdog. Who let the dogs out? Who who who who!!

    And hey Professor Poopypants- isn't it past your bedtime? (nighty night, sleeping beauty). Oh and don't forget to wear your pullups!
