Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Battle of the Blogs

Okay so Ha-nul Kim, the kid that runs the Conicle blog? I know him. He's in my class.

And he thinks he's better than me and that boys are better than girls. Well I've got some news for him ~ we're equals. Just in case he forgot though, I know the most powerful lawyer in the state. So I 'd watch out! And Ha-nul Kim, if you're reading this blog post right now, be afraid, be very afraid!

The reason we're battling is because we want people to think each our blogs are better than the other's blog. Does that make sense? But I think my blog is better because it has funny stories, You Tube clips, and books that I'm interested in. Plus, it has a theme and in case you didn't know, sock monkeys are really popular right now. You can find them in all the stores, like Target and Fuego and they even have sock monkey pajamas and t-shirts.

The Conicle blog doesn't have a theme. It's just about this kid who complains a lot and blogs how annoying girls are. And why have a blog if all you want to talk about is negative things? Just think about it.

That's why it's called the battle of the blogs.


PS - for all the boys out there who think that boys are better than girls, we're all equal.

Beauty is....Sock Monkeys!!

So I've entered my school's Reflections Art project contest.

The theme is "Beauty is..." and so I did a Sock Monkey visual art project.

It's really funny. I used red construction paper and took a bunch of pictures of my sock monkey at a playground. I glued them onto the construction paper, punched holes around the edges and then I took red yarn and threaded it through the holes to make the border match the red yarn of a sock monkey.

Lots of people told me that my art project is funny, awesome and cool. I had fun posing my sock monkey at the playground. My favorite picture of him is when he was on the swing sitting there looking at the camera. He smiled for all the pictures. :) He's so beautiful. He's my baby!

I hope my project gets chosen for the next level because then it will be shown at one of the local Art Museums. That would mean I'm a real artist because I would get to have my first gallery exhibit.

Did You Know...

Dear Peoples:

I just wanted you to know if you want to read a boring, negative, nerdy blog, click here. On the other hand, if you want to read an entertaining, funny, and fascinating blog, stay here at Canadian Sock Monkey.

If you decided to go to Conicle's blog, what were you thinking?!!! If you decided to stay here though, you made a wise choice. I just thought I would warn you. Conicle is not the best blog in the world, even though he (Ha-nul Kim) thinks it is. Because he even sells books about his blog that don't look that interesting.

Well....as they say in Looney Tunes, th-th-th-that's all, folks!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Revenge of Canadian Sock Monkey

Dear Conicle:

If you keep on writing bad stuff about me on your blog, I will report you to the Blogger services team. If you don't stop writing rude things about me, they will shut you down.

I hope that makes you poop your pants.


Canadian Sock Monkey

PS - I think your blog posts are very negative - don't you ever have anything nice to say about anybody or anything? You're only 10 years old. Lighten up and give it a break!